immapeju 7th March 2009

Daddy Daddy Lover of God and men Joy giver your bright smile and pure eyes radiated Peace maker all the time Patience longsuffering never ran out! Sweet Gentle Calm spirit like a breath of pure fresh air Seed sower of kind generous nature Faith caller always as though they were Meekness correctable taking action based on the word of the Lord Hope sharer unwavering every day Righteous man standing always for whatever is right Dependable ally ready to plead a cause Soul Winner what wisdom Faithful father truly A FATHER among Fathers In you we have seen the heart of our Abba In the Image and Likeness of Abba you were BUT NOW in the image and likeness of Abba more than ever YOU ARE. What a glory! Written by Adepeju Dawodu (Daughter) March 4th 2009